"No intervention that takes power away from the survivor can possibly foster her recovery, no matter how much it appears to be in their immediate best interest".
Judith Herman, M.D.
TCTSY was created for the treatment of complex trauma and/or treatment resistant PTSD. TCTSY is grounded in both trauma and attachment theory. Through this research we have discovered more about how trauma is stored and effects our nervous system. Trauma lives on the body, not just in our brains; TCTSY takes an embodied approach to healing to help heal trauma from within.
Survivors of trauma often struggle with awareness and/or connection to their bodies. Through the 5 core elements of TCTSY -Invitational Language, Choice-Language, Non-Coercion, Interoception, and Shared Authentic Experience - survivors are provided a safe place to promote healing.
Research has shown that traditional talk therapy can only heal you from trauma so much - often we need more brain and body interventions to fully heal from the complexities of trauma. In the practice of TCTSY we are allowing our brain and body to heal from the trauma.
I offer weekly TCTSY classes, every Monday at 10am in the movement studio at my office. This is a donation based class and all proceeds are donated to Bellatore Recovery to benefit others in need of treatment. TCTSY is offered in a closed setting, limited to no more than 8 participants and is for all bodies of self-identified trauma survivors. I do require a phone assessment prior to signing up to make sure this is a good option for you. You can set up your free phone assessment by reaching out directly via call/text to 913-575-4354.